How Melbourne People Do Beauty

laser hair removal MelbourneHey Mum and Dad, and Ronnie I guess. Still cannot believe you took my straightener with you to Mozambique, but the Australians are forgiving people and it’s rubbing off on me. A little bit.

So, anyway, Melbourne is great. Really enjoying myself, and although everyone says Australian don’t have any culture, it’s obvious that’s not true. If anything, they have more culture than America! Like, what American animals do you think of immediately? Maybe a bald eagle, but even then…it’s a bit of a lame one. We’re a big melting pot, whereas Australia has this really solid bunch of symbols. It’s pretty cool and the accents are amazing.

The organisation was able to match me up with a job sort of like what I have back home, so I’m lucky that stuff like laser hair removal in Melbourne is pretty popular. They also have cosmetic tattooing, which I TOLD the other people in my course was going to be big! Maybe I’ve just been in such a small town and people haven’t been bothering, but here in the bust;ing metropolis of Melbourne, everyone’s all about the cosmetics. I’m even learning some new stuff and technologies…which I didn’t see coming. “Australia is way behind the rest of the world!” everyone said. I’m starting to think that folks from the US have a bit of an ego when it comes to their country versus others. Next thing you know I’ll be stopping off in London and discovering that the streets are smooth, healthy teeth and gums are common and people actually know what coffee is. I’ll give you the update on that one when I do my Europe trip.

Menawhile, Oz is great! Great people, okay food and the wildlife is weird and amazing. Job is good too, though they’re sending me to Ballarat; cosmetic tattooing is doing some interesting things over there and they want me to learn everything. Don’t mind a bit of a trip, I guess.
