Gaga about snapper racks

marine fabrication MelbourneMy friend Alan seems like a happy guy most of the time. I think that’s going to change when his new squeeze finds out that he’s been lying the entire time they’ve been together. The guy doesn’t know a darn thing about women. If history has shown us anything, it’s that women always end up find out the truth. What is he thinking? Is he planning on getting engaged to a girl just because she’s super interested in stainless steel snapper racks? I know fishing is a fun hobby but it’s not the basis for a relationship. I guess he’s hoping that when she find out he’ll be forgiven. That’s putting a lot of faith in their bond. I’m happy that he’s found himself a partner that enjoys fishing as much as he does. I mean sure I’d like to get invited on a few of their fishing trips once in while. The family and I are planning an intervention to make him see the error of his ways. All of his friends from the bar at the docks agree, this little game has to come to an end. They never leave each other’s sight, it’s incredibly annoying.

They’re frequently hanging about the bait shop. There’s a marine scrap yard not too far from here, it’s where she does her scrounging for metal. It is pretty funny to watch Alan pretend that he’s super interested in all the junk she’s been digging through to make her ‘art’. If you ask me spending $50 on a stainless steel hat hook is ridiculous. From a completely unbiased view, I can tell that this new relationship is totally ruining the poor guy’s life. Sure she seems like a nice and friendly girl. You could describe her as being a little bit erratic but all the same very nice. They met on the docks while she was trying to figure out what was wrong with her boat engine. Alan was the one who tried to help her fix it. He failed of course but they went out for dinner after. They bonded over their talk of the best stainless steel marine fabrication companies in Melbourne. I know we should stay out of it, but I don’t want to see my friend have his heart broken.